Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What is Truth: Part One

Reading this morning about the subject of "truth". Of course there are truths about tangible objects in the physical realm that science can prove. But man is not only a physical being; he is a spiritual one as well. As such there is spiritual truth. Since science can neither prove or disprove spiritual truth, and man is given to confirmation bias and being self-deceived, how does a person know if something in the spiritual realm or in the realm of morality is true?
We now have more than one generation of kids who have been taught that truth is relative; that what is true for you is not necessarily true for everyone else. On occasion I have been told that something I stated is only "my" truth, as if truth is nothing more than a personal creation which can not be applied to all people. Of course, those who teach this liberal ideology have no problem then declaring that everyone must strictly adhere to their "truth" regardless of what they believe. Ha ha ha. That is human nature at its finest!
Liberal or leftist ideology says that the basis for what is moral and acceptable (which can not be based on any truth since, since truth is subjective and not universal) can be known by whether or not it harms anyone. This is not a solid foundation upon which any society can be built. For one thing, "harm" is subjective. Many in today's society (as a result of indoctrination by our schools) have embraced the idea that to harm someone means "to offend" or "make someone feel bad". A child who is denied what he/she wants by a parent, or is disciplined by a parent may believe that the parent is harming them because they experience a sense of distress. Atheists believe that religious people harm their children even if the children are happy and well adjusted. Some people believe that harming others is okay if the ends justify the means. This is true in regard to the abortion issue. The fetus (baby) will be harmed, it is true. But the end result (desire of the mother to rid herself of the baby growing inside of her and the stress she feels about it) justifies harm that is done to the fetus - which ends its life. Of course, when fighting evil such as we did with Hitler, it was necessary to harm Hitler in order to stop the harm he was doing to others. So society needs a greater ideology than the "do no harm" ideology to base itself upon.
Without a foundation of truth, we are indeed a nation in chaos and confusion.