Wednesday, October 15, 2014

God's Name

Studying the Hebrew - the Name of God. It was getting complicated, and I began to wonder, Does it really matter? God knows that I mean Him - even if/when I use a name that is not exactly correct. And I guess that there is some truth to that. Then I thought that partly, knowing the correct revealed name for God is for our benefit - it tells us about Him. Just as the Indians have names like Running Bear - names that mean something (the Hebrews did that, too), God's name is a revelation of who He is.
Western Culture has lost the sacredness of life (what sacredness was gained through knowledge of the Word of God), including the meanings of words and names. It seems that many in our society have chosen to lift up man (themselves) in the place of God. By following after their own thoughts, plans and desires (rejecting the revealed God of the Bible), they think they will find fulfillment. Yet it hasn't led to fulfillment. It has led to soaring rates of suicide, drug abuse, STD's, depression, abortion, fornication, division, hate, cheating, lying, stealing, gambling addictions, idolatry, etc. You would think that it is enough to cause people to wake up and say, we need to return to the source of life (The one that past generations honored - and thereby built this nation). The one who is revealed is in the Bible - the one our forefathers acknowledged and knew. Was there not a time in our land where a man's word was his bond? Where his handshake and promise could be counted upon? Where people didn't need to lock their doors? Where it was safe to walk on the streets - including downtown areas? A time when teachers were respected and children knew their fathers? It amazes me that many apparently believe that the answer lies in continuing and expanding the effort to enthrone man in God's place. Yet, because of His long-suffering, mercy and grace God will still reveal Himself to anyone who will come to Him.