Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Questions Muslims Would Do Well to Ask

This morning I am reading a book by a scientist called, "The Hidden Language of God" by Gerald Schroeder. The author makes this statement: "Every particle, every being, from atom to human, appears to have within it a level of information, of conscious wisdom." He also says, ". . . .all existence is the expression of this wisdom."

These statements are rich with meaning if we take the time to ponder them. I could not help but consider the existence of the Bible and its record of creation. I also thought about the Quran. So much of the world's population comes to believe in the Quran's writings as a result of multiple and varied influences in their lives. But I have a question I would like to propose to those who would dare to consider it.

Christians, Jews and Muslims all claim to believe in the "One True God" who created all things. Muslims say they believe in Jesus as a messenger of God, but not as God's Son. If they admit that Jesus came into the world - that he existed at all - then what do they think of the Christian Bible that includes the first written reports by eye witnesses concerning Jesus? If they believe that the Quran is correct and the Bible is wrong, what do they do with the fact that the Bible (the total Old and New Covenant) existed hundreds of years before the Quran? But these questions lead me to the main question I would like to propose to the Muslim believers of Mohammed:

If everything God created has within itself an inner "witness" to God's existence and is a maifestation of His wisdom, then the Quran would have to have within itself God's witness of Mohammed's coming. The Jewish Old Testament contains many prophetic scriptures concerning the coming of Jesus throughout it. In each book, given by multiple authors hundreds of years apart (such as Moses and Isaiah), prophecies are written which were perfectly fulfilled by Jesus. If there was to be another prophet to come that would be "greater" in a sense, than Jesus, certainly the Old Testament would also have told us about him as well. But there is no such thing. I have never heard that the Quran contains it either.

Take the time to weigh the evidence given concerning these two opposing witnesses (the Bible and the Quran).

1) The fact that the Bible is the original written expression of God's existence (in that it is the older, first one given) and contains such a huge amount of fulfilled prophetic writings concerning Jesus - whom the Muslims say they believe was a prophet of God - means that the Bible should be considered to some extent.

2) Since God has put within every work of His creation a witness that testifies of Himself, surely the Quran would contain multiple fulfilled prophecies of Mohammed's coming and his works.

Who are the prophets in the Quran? Do you have writings from the prophet Isaiah? He wrote much concerning the coming of the Savior. Surely Isaiah would have told us about it if there was yet another prophet to come. But there was not another prophet to come after the manner of Jesus. Jesus completed the work. Since He died in our place, taking our sins upon Himself and paying the penaltly - there is nothing else to complete. The penalty is paid in full. Mohammed could not pay the penalty for my sins. I have not heard that he even claimed to do that. It is just as Jesus said. "It is finished."