Thursday, January 07, 2010

God's Timing not Ours

When you are involved with a joint venture - disagreements can arise. It is unfortunate if those disagreements devolve into accusations. However, even when personal accusations are hurled against you and you know that you are upholding a position of righteousness, maintaining peace in your heart and forgiveness toward the accuser is posible. How do you know if you are maintaining a position of righteousness? If the stand you are taking is in line with God's Word and His character, then we can know our cause is right. There will be no underhandedness, deceitfulness, monkey business, selfishness, greed, resentment, harshness, manipulation and other things like that involved. Your motivation will be to honor God. Then even though people may accuse you (as they did Yeshua) you will be able to remain free of anger, self-defensivess that leads to division and self righteousness because you will be confident that your heart does not condemn you before God.

Forgiveness is important at times like that. Resisting revenge and loving those who falsely accuse you can be done easily when you keep the cross of the Messiah in clear view. The letter of Peter in Scripture makes it clear that Yeshua gave us an example to follow. He did not return evil for evil and we are to follow His example, recognizing that we have also received forgiveness and that Yeshua died for us while we were still sinners. Just as God has been patient with us, we need to be patient with others, knowing that the present stressful situation can result in glory to God and blessing for us. Give God time to deal with each individual involved. God tells us in His Word that He deals mercifully with us and them, and that He also teaches us in small doses - Line upon Line, Precept upon Precept. If we will trust Him, He will do a work in our own hearts as well as in the heart of your accuser.